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PDF Converter for SharePoint Online

1Install the PDF Converter for SharePoint Online app

Prerequisites Before Deployment

Before deploying the Muhimbi SharePoint Framework Extension, ensure you have the following:

Download PDF Converter



  1. Download the installation zip folder and unzip it to the folder of your choice.
  2. In that folder, find and run the "PDF Converter for SharePoint Online deployment script.Ps1" file and the "muhimbi-pdf-converter-spfx-app.sppkg" file.
  3. In the PowerShell window, press 1 to perform a fresh installation “1: Press '1' to perform a fresh installation of the Muhimbi PDF Converter online app.”
  4. In the next step, the installer will ask where you want to upload the app.
    1. Press 1 to upload the app in the tenants app catalog.
    2. Press 2 to upload the app in a site’s app catalog.
      1. Select the appropriate option based on your deployment needs and provide the corresponding URL to proceed.
      2. You will then be prompted to authenticate to your Microsoft 365 tenant and grant “Consent on behalf of your organization” to run PnP PowerShell. If you already have PnP PowerShell installed, you wont receive the consent prompt.
      3. Note: If the admin accepts it without granting consent on behalf of your organization, the installation should still be complete without a problem.
  5. Once you have provided consent, the script will automatically upload the SPFX app to the tenant app catalog. You will then be prompted with the question: “Do you want to deploy the app to all sites in the tenant?”
  6. The error message you see in the PowerShell prompt is a known issue.
    1. Please navigate to “webApiPermissionManagement” and grant the necessary permissions.
    2. Navigate to the following URL and "Approve" the permissions:
    3. Note: If the admin accepts it without granting consent on behalf of your organization, the installation should still be complete without a problem.
  7. You will then be prompted with the question: "Do you want to create a page and add the Muhimbi Features web part?"
    1. Select [Y] for Yes to create the page in the root site. If you select [N] for No, you will be prompted to enter the Site URL where you want to create the page.
  8. You will now have the "Convert to PDF" action available in your site collection.
    1. Select a document and click on the "Convert to PDF" button in the List view command set or in the Content Menu.
    2. You will be prompted to provide "Consent on behalf of your organization."
    3. Once the permission is successfully granted, you will be prompted to sign up for the trial. After signing up, you should receive a confirmation email in your inbox to activate the 30-day trial.

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