Dealing with hyperlinks when converting InfoPath files to PDF format

Clavin Fernandes

Clavin Fernandes

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PDF Converter

PDF Converter


We get a lot of questions from customers about what happens to hyperlinks in InfoPath documents when the documents are converted to PDF format using the Muhimbi PDF Converter for SharePoint.

We ran the possible combinations through some tests with the following results:

  1. InfoPath TextBox elements with the type set to 'text' become hyperlinks when a URL is entered in it (or at least the PDF Reader navigates to that URL when clicked).

  2. InfoPath TextBox elements with the type set to 'URL' become hyperlinks when a URL is entered in it (or at least the PDF Reader navigates to that URL when clicked).

  3. Entering a URL in an InfoPath Rich Text Box and pressing the Enter key automatically generates a blue hyperlink. When a document containing this link is converted to PDF format then the link can be clicked in the converted document as well.

  4. Entering text in an InfoPath Rich Text Box, selecting it and using the Insert Hyperlink command creates a clickable link in the InfoPath Document. However, after converting this document to PDF format this link is not clickable.

  5. InfoPath Hyperlink Fields are correctly converted and remain hyperlinks in the PDF document.

I hope this clarifies the situation.

Labels: Articles, InfoPath, pdf, PDF Converter, PDF Converter Services


Clavin Fernandes

Clavin Fernandes

Developer Relations and Support Services @ PSPDFKit

Clavin Fernandes is a Microsoft Business Applications MVP and works in Developer Relations and Support Services for PSPDFKit.

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